Multi-page applications are the traditional web applications which reload the entire page and display the new one when a user interaction occurs. In other words, every request the user sends to the server - for example, by clicking to display data or to submit data– leads to a new page being generated on the server, sent to the client and displayed in the browser.
To picture an MPA, think of any complex website with multiple pages like Amazon or eBay. These online stores consist of several pages with static information (text, images, etc.) and lots of links to other pages. Multi-page apps are usually large, and they are generally many levels deep.
Pros of Using MPAs
o Simple SEO optimization. The architecture of MPA allows you to easily optimize every page for search engines. Developer can add Meta tags for any page.
o Faster initial loading.
Cons of Using MPAs
o Can be slow because pages are reloaded.
o More time consuming to create and maintain because of the number of pages.
After you have removed any components, compile and run the web page to see the results.