Next you need to modify your web page by removing the definition of the Settings view and by defining the Settings dialog.
1. Open your web page.
2. In the Source tab, comment out the definition of the Settings view by inserting an asterisk in the beginning of this line:
*Define_Com Class(#E01Settings) Name(#Settings) Displayposition(2) Parent(#ViewContainer) Caption('Settings') Height(704) Width(980) Left(326) Tabposition(2) Top(231)
3. Then define the Settings dialog:
Define_Com Class(#Settings) Name(#Settings)
Lastly you need to change the Settings menu item to display the Settings dialog instead of the view.
4. Switch to the Design view and display the properties of the Settings menu option in the Details tab.
5. Specify #Settings as the Dialog to be displayed by the menu item. Change the View property to *NULL.
16. Compile your web page.