Step 4. Add Framework Components

In this step you add the components that make up the Framework to the package.

For convenience, you will include Framework components with a name starting with UF_*. However, production Frameworks should never reference UF* or DF* objects which may be overwritten on the next update or reinstall. See Getting ready for deployment in VLF-ONE.

1.     Use the CRTSAVF command to create an IBM i save file. Call it B01_VLF.


2.     Use the SAVOBJ command to add the Framework objects to the save file:

SAVOBJ OBJ(@VF_AC001O @VF_AC023 @VF_SY001A @VF_SY001X @VF_SY001S @VF_SW1* @VFU0012 @VF_SY187O @VF_SY002S @VFUX* @VF_FP501O @VF_AC027O @VF_AC024 @vf_sy178o @uf_o*) LIB(<partitionpgmlib>) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF('<path to save file>')


For example:

SAVOBJ OBJ(@VF_AC001O @VF_AC023 @VF_SY001A @VF_SY001X @VF_SY001S @VF_SW1* @VFU0012 @VF_SY187O @VF_SY002S @VFUX* @VF_FP501O @VF_AC027O @VF_AC024 @vf_sy178o @uf_o*) LIB(VF19EX1PGM) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(qgpl/B01_VLF)

3.     Verify the objects have been saved.

Next add the server modules you created.

4.     Use the CRTSAVF command to create an IBM i save file. Call it B01_VLFO.



5.     Use the SAVOBJ command to add the server modules to the save file (note that you use the identifier, not the name):

SAVOBJ OBJ(@smodule1 @smodule2) LIB(<partitionpgmlib>) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF('<path to save file>')


For example:

SAVOBJ OBJ(@smodule1 @smodule2) LIB(VFTEX1PGM) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(qgpl/B01_VLFO)


6.     Verify the objects have been saved.