Step 2. Make Sure the Framework Definition File Has Been Created

In this step you will do the following:

      Change a Framework setting and save the Framework so that a Framework definition DAT file is created.

      Create an External Resource component and add the DAT file to it.

      Check in the External Resource component to the IBM i master LANSA system.

This file is created when the Framework is saved if the Generate VLF-ONE or VLF-Web Resources option has been selected.

1.     Select the Generate VLF-ONE or VLF-WEB Resources option in the Web/RAMP Details tab.

2.     Save the Framework.


Next copy this file to the IFS so it can be included in the deployment package.

4.     Switch to the Visual LANSA IDE.

5.     Use the New option in the File menu to create an External Resource.

6.     Name the External Resource iiiFrameworkDATFile where iii are your initials.

7.     Use the prompter to locate your DAT file. The name of the .DAT file is prefixed with the name of your Framework, and the language code you are developing for (here ENG). The DAT file is written to your partition Execute directory. For example:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\LANSA\X_WIN95\X_LANSA\x_trn\EXECUTE

8.     Click Create.

9.     In the open external resource file in the editor, double-click Content to change Content Type to Text and make sure the Codepage is 65001 (UTF-8).

10.   Save and close iiiFrameworkDATFile.

11.   Locate iiiFrameworkDATFile on the Repository tab and right-click and select Check In.

12.   Make sure the Extract option is selected.

13.   Click OK.

14.   Verify there are no errors in the check in.