You need to edit the background panel to make it respond to the custom Framework manager.
Open the background panel (XXX_BackgoundPane) in the Visual LANSA editor.
Display the Source tab and define your custom Framework manager (replace #EOM_CustomManager with the name of your custom Framework manager):
Define_Com Class(#EOM_CustomManager) Name(#CustomFrameworkManager) Reference(*DYNAMIC)
In the uInitialize event, set a reference to your custom Framework manager (replace #EOM_CustomManager with the name of your custom Framework manager):
#CustomFrameworkManager <= #AVFRAMEWORKMANAGER.avCustomManagerBaseReference *As #EOM_CustomManager
Then add two event routines to change the style and image on the background panel:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Evtroutine Handling(#CustomFrameworkManager.ChangeBackgroundTextStyle) Tostyle(#ToStyle)
#CurrentContent.Style <= #ToStyle
#CurrentContent.Height := #ToStyle.FontSize + 2
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Evtroutine Handling(#CustomFrameworkManager.ChangeBackgroundImage) Imagename(#ImageName)
#Image.Image <= #SYS_APPLN.CreateBitmap( ("VLFONE/Images/Black/XLarge/" + #ImageName) )
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lastly, if your background panel has a uTerminate method already, add these lines to it:
* Drop any reference to the custom framework manager
#CustomFrameworkManager <= *null
Otherwise, add a uTerminate method like this:
Mthroutine Name(uTerminate) Options(*REDEFINE)
* Drop any reference to the custom framework manager
#CustomFrameworkManager <= *null
* Delegate to the ancestor component in case it wants to clean up anything
Compile the background panel.