Change Instance List Columns

In this step you wil change some of the columns in the instance list. Because of this, you will also change your server module and filter and recompile them. The list in this example is in Simple Grid Style.

Display the Instance List tab for the Employees business object. Then click the Street column.


Click Delete this Column.

Delete all the address fields in the same way.

Add the Annual Salary field to the instance list.


Save and execute the Framework, and display the Employees business object. Note that the Annual Salary column has no data.


To load data to the column, you need to change your server module and filter.

In the Visual LANSA editor, open the server module XXX_XEMPLOYEE_FilterHiddenAll_svrm.

Locate the definition of the instance list columns:

Remove the address fields and add the salary field:

Compile and close the server module.

Open the the hidden filter XXX_XEMPLOYEE_FilterHiddenAll.

Display the Source tab and locate the definition of the instance list columns:

Replace the address fields with the xEmployeeSalary field.

Lastly locate the #AVLISTMANAGER.AddtoList statement:

And again replace the address fields with the xEmployeeSalary field (note it is a numeric column).

Compile the filter.

Now execute the Framework and display the Employees business object:


In the workbench you can modify some settings of the instance list columns. To see how this is done, display the Instance List tab of Employees and click on the Salary column.

Change the Edit Code to Z.


Save and execute the Framework to see the effect of this change: