Implement Get API

1.     In the TutorialPublish server module, select the GetContacts server routine:

Srvroutine Name(GetContacts) Response(*HTTP #context)

2.     Replace it with the code below.

3.     Then compile the server module.

Srvroutine Name(GetContacts) Response(*HTTP #context)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_IOC.StringWriter) Name(#StringWriter)
Define_Com Class(#PRIM_JSON.Writer) Name(#Writer) Textwriter(#StringWriter)

Define_Com Class(#STD_STRNG) Name(#SearchString)
Define_Com Class(#std_int) Name(#SetLimit)
Define_Com Class(#std_int) Name(#Counter)

* Set limit number contacts to get
#SetLimit := 20
#Counter := 0

* Get the search string from the query parameters.
#SearchString := #Context.Request.QueryParameters<"SearchString">.Value.UpperCase

* Return the contacts as an array of objects. In our example, each object in the list has these properties:
* "ContactId"
* "FirstName"
* "LastName"
* Start writing out the JSON response as an Array.

* Select the  fields from the Database table xContacts. For the purpose of this example we are only adding the first 20 records as per #SetLimit value.
Select Fields(#ContactFields) From_File(xContacts)

Leave If(#Counter > #SetLimit)

* When the SearchString has a value, add only the Contacts where the First and/or Last Name contain the SearchString
If ((#SearchString = "") *OrIf #xContactFirstName.UpperCase.Contains( #SearchString ) *OrIf #xContactLastName.UpperCase.Contains( #SearchString ))

#Counter += 1

* Begin to write the JSON object

* Write out the values obtained from the Database table:
#Writer.WriteInt32( #xContactIdentification, "ContactId" )
#Writer.WriteString( #xContactFirstName, "FirstName" )
#Writer.WriteString( #xContactLastName, "LastName" )

* End the JSON object currently being written



* End the JSON array currently being written

If (#Counter = 0)

* Empty Array means table has no Contacts. Manufacture a 404 response.
#com_owner.MakeBadRequestResponse Context(#context) Path(#Context.Request.Path) Resourcename("Get /Contacts") Status(404) Additionalmessage("No record found in table xContacts")

#Context.Response.HttpStatus := 200
#Context.Response.ContentType := "application/json"
#Context.Response.ContentString := #StringWriter.Text

