The Editor Areas

Here are all the IDE areas:

Quick Access Toolbar

Provides access to commands such as Open, Close, Save and Compile. Can be customized.


The main area displaying tabs such as Repository, Favorites, Controls, Details, Outline and Go To. All tabs may be opened from the Tabs menu on the Home ribbon

Status Bar

Displays information such as Partition, Language, System Name and Design Theme. Can be customized.

Help and Run Logs

Menus provide access to Help, Using the Editor, Shortcuts and links to LANSA web site. Also LANSA About dialog.


Home and Tools ribbon are shown initially. Other ribbons such as Themes, Layouts and Styles open when required.

Work Area

Displays open object details, with Design and Source tab for components. Many objects may be open in the editor at the same time.

Information Tabs

This area displays tabs such as Compile logs and Breakpoints and Call Stack for debug.

See Standard Editor Tabs

See Editor Features