One Click Deployment in the Cloud

If you are using the Free Trial download copy of Visual LANSA, it is configured to support "one click deployment to the cloud".

1.   If you build a mobile web application using the template from the Welcome Screen, once the application is built and compiled you will see this option:

2.   Alternatively, if you have returned to the Visual LANSA IDE, select the Favorites / My App tab (where My App is the description of the mobile web application).

      Select Deploy from the menu for this tab:

3.   The Free Trial Visual LANSA is configured with this Cloud Application URL in LANSA Settings:

Use File menu / Options to see this setting.

4.   The deployment to the Cloud progress is shown at the bottom of the IDE:

      Note: Deployment to the Cloud will take a few minutes.

5.   When the deployment is complete, execute the application in the Cloud by right-clicking the web page and selecting Execute in Cloud from the context menu: